WHAT"S NEW??? The store is under new ownership! As of April 1, 2019, Debbie Cognata is the new owner.
Lyn Baker
Linda Del Real
Jan Freeman
Robin Kelley
Kathy Love
Shari Pace
Emily Beale
Suzie Quinnell
Come in an say HI!
We have lots of new fabrics arriving weekly. Be sure to get your name on our email list to receive our weekly news of new arrivals. As of a count today, we currently have over 4,000 bolts of fabric in the store.
First Friday and Saturday of each month, bring in a completed quilt top and show it to us and receive 20% off any fabric in the shop for that top's backing fabric. It's a great place to show off what you've done, see what others are doing and maybe get some ideas and tips. Remember....you have to bring in your top!